Curriculum Matters

Reminder about student mobile phone rules and hair-grooming.

Mobile Phone Usage:

  • Mobile phones are brought to the College at the owner's own risk.
  • Mobile phones must only be used by students before or after College, or during recess and lunch breaks unless directed by staff in the classroom.
  • Mobile phones must be kept on silent mode and kept in bags (Not in pockets) during classroom lessons, unless given instructions to use in the classroom by staff. (If you sight a student's phone please ask them to put it in their bag) .
  • Staff should be alerted, and exceptions requested, if a student has special circumstances requiring the use of their mobile phone during College hours.
  • Mobile phones must not be brought into exams or class assessments.
  • Mobile phones must not be used inappropriately. 
  • Phone cameras are not to be used within the College grounds unless directed to do so by a staff member.
  • Students should never photograph or record any person without their express permission.
  • Parents are to be informed that in cases of emergency, the College remains an appropriate point of contact to reach their child quickly. Call 69 326 100.

Tidy Hair:

Hair should be neat and tidy and not extreme in cut or colour.


Students are to consult with their House Coordinator before making any significant changes to their hairstyle, colour of hair, or any other change to the hair. Failure to follow this procedure will result in student withdrawal from classes to address the issue.


All hair longer than collar length must be tied back. This applies to both male and female students.  


Boys should be cleanly shaven.


Matthew Conn  | Leader of Academic Care and Wellbeing