What’s Happening

in RE Classrooms

Sr Carmel
Sr Carmel

The Kildare Religious Education and Science KLA teams have embarked on the second year of an exciting cross-curricular project exploring the meeting of Science and Religion in the modern world. The RE unit ‘The Sanctity of Life’ explores Catholic Church teachings on the upholding of human dignity and reverence for all life as being made in the image of God (‘Imago Dei’). Learning experiences draw on the Christian Bible, Church authorities like Pope Francis and the ‘Youcat’, the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church.

In Science classrooms, students have been learning about how developments in technology have advanced biological understanding, for example vaccines, biotechnology, stem-cell research and in-vitro fertilisation. Discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of the use and applications of biotechnology have included the social and ethical considerations that scientists must consider.

Sister Carmel Wallis, co-founder of Erin Earth, met with all of our Year 10 classes last week to discuss the idea of accepting change. Accompanied as always by Gus, her four-legged friend, Sr Carmel shared her experience of being a Presentation Sister, teacher and environmental advocate. Sr Carmel discussed the growing ecological awareness within the Church and society and shared her insights and wisdom with our students, responding thoughtfully to questions about her understanding of God, the interconnectedness of all life and her own personal spiritual journey. We sincerely thank Sr Carmel for her generosity. We are truly blessed at Kildare to be touched by the passion and enthusiasm of Sr Carmel’s calling.


In coming weeks, Year 10 classes will synthesise their religious and scientific knowledge by composing a ‘Young Scientist’ magazine article entitled ‘Human Life: Where Science and Religion meet.’


Stephanie Garrod | Religious Education Coordinator