Principal Message

Year 12 Congratulations to Year 12 on the way you’ve entered into your HSC Trial examinations this week. We are very conscious of the reality that this has been the first major assessment period for you coming out of Covid where you have sat for papers in the hall. This has brought significant challenges and we have spoken with you about how teachers will support you around this. We also, though, want to thank and congratulate you for how well you’ve handled the situation so far. We look forward to another productive week of examinations next week. 


Goal Setting, Learning and Feedback This week we have finalised all students noting their learning goals for the term ahead. Their ISMART goals; Inspiring, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound are based on feedback from their reports and their own reflection. These will be supported by HomeGroup coaches who meet with them daily. We ask our parents to please engage with your child and help monitor their progress. 


Sport The past couple of weeks have seen a busy time on the sporting front. We have seen our FUTSAL girls travel to Sydney, Touch teams to the Central Coast and our Junior Rugby League team to Wollongong to take part in the state finals and represent themselves wonderfully. Being such fine ambassadors for themselves and the school is terrific to hear about. Even to get calls from colleagues in other schools further afield to note how well they present themselves is a great credit to them. All report performing at their personal best for each team. Our junior and intermediate boys touch teams were runners up and our junior girls lost their semi final to the eventual winner. 

Thank you to your staff who so willingly give their time in support of our students with time away from their families. Their generosity is inspiring. 


Year 12 and Graduation Events I will be writing to all parents and carers in the week of 15th August to discuss our expectations in regards to the balance of Year 12’s time at school. I will also meet with Year 12 along with members of the local Police command. Please be on the lookout for that letter and discuss it with your Year 12 daughter or son so all are very clear. In short there will be no tolerance of muck ups including any such archaic and dangerous ritual practices such as “Scavenger Hunts”, Lists of illegal and/or offensive behaviours. These have vanished thankfully from most schools elsewhere. They need to end here. 

Last Year’s Year 12 had a very responsible end to their time for which we were most thankful.  We look to the 2022 class to do the same. 

We want there to be a positive life giving period with Year 12 that they can enjoy but also be proud of. We will consult closely with the SRC and have high expectations of them to lead positively in this space.

We really need parent support around this to ensure our aims are achieved and ask for you to speak in support of the college.


Uniform and Grooming All students have had a reminder about expectations. We note that at this time of term standards are beginning to slip around hair and grooming and ask you to assist the college in ensuring we maintain the required standards. This is the obligation that comes with being part of the college community and we thank you for your support of these standards.


Anonymous Communications From time to time I receive letters from members of our community who wish to discuss concerns. I usually find that letters of praise come signed by the author. However, when letters of complaint come unidentified it is difficult to progress them as what is noted may only be hearsay.

I would hope that if anyone has a concern they feel there are no barriers to make contact with me. I am very happy to meet with you at a time of mutual convenience to talk through concerns and rest assured they are acted upon... 

Of course where they are child protection related they will be acted upon as per guidelines as supervised by the Office of Children’s Guardian and the Child Safe Standards and protocols regardless of whether the complainant is named or not.

If you have a concern please feel free to call, email or meet at a time mutually convenient.


Thanks for your assistance with this to ensure we meet the needs of our community.