Principal's Report

How wonderful is the sunny weather again? I have noticed a few blossoms on the trees in our neighbourhood and am very excited for Spring to arrive.
I would like to extend an invitation to our families to attend our P&C on Friday morning at 9:00. Our P&C is growing and our fundraising committee has been established. Please pencil in Wednesday the 24th of August to attend an afternoon where you will be able to meet with your child’s teacher to firstly celebrate your child’s work and secondly, to discuss their Individual Curriculum Plan goals.
Please have a look at our schools website where you will find the teaching and learning that each cohort and Specialists will be covering this semester. I know that there are a number of families that would like to follow up on the learning that their child does at school. This summary of the key concepts that we aim to cover, will be a good starting point.
We are in the process of developing our next Strategic Plan for 2023 – 2026. The goals are derived from our school review held earlier in the year. I have noted the five Key Improvement Strategies (KIS) below and would like to hear from our community what success will look like in four years’ time. Once we have the Success Indicators we can start backward mapping. Please send the school an email with your thoughts, contact me personally or make an appointment to meet with me. Thank you for your support in ensuring our school is ‘the place to be’.
KIS 1. Establish deep learning in the teaching of Literacy.
KIS 2. An integrated, contextualised and connected curriculum is delivered through Project Based Learning.
KIS 3. Build pathways and connections that facilitates every student to their next steps.
KIS 4. Maintain a Positive Behaviour for Learning approach to ensure we create a positive learning environment.
KIS 5. Build supportive and positive relationships through communication.
As many of you might know, our construction has commenced this week. The first two months are completing the new parent carpark and kiss and drop area (as seen below). The builders will then use the current carpark as a lay down area to commence the new building (GLA) sometime in October 2022. We understand that this is making the afternoon pick up a little challenging and we appreciate your patience. If collecting your child prior to 2:50pm, please park in the carpark and sign your child out from admin. I have noticed a few families that park in the drop off zone and ask that you please consider the impact your decision has on the rest of the school community.
We are very excited as the construction begins and we will keep you informed with photos and information as the building work progresses.
Kind regards,