Principal's Report

August 2022 


Semester 2 Update


Given that we are midway through August, it is important for our Year 12 students to be aware that they have only approximately 8 weeks of school left. These weeks are ALL very important and students need to make the very best use of this time to put themselves in the best position for their future.

For those in Years 9 to 11, they have recently been provided with the opportunity to attend course counselling and information session, which I know provided students and families with the knowledge to select appropriate subjects and pathways for 2023. For those needing some extra professional advice, please take advantage of the expertise that the college has to offer by simply contacting us and we will direct your need to the appropriate person. 

End of semester 1 reports have been made available to parents, carers and to students via COMPASS. It is important to discuss the report with your children and to have them develop goals and aims associated with their performance. 



Importance of Celebration


As a school community it is vitally important that we celebrate our success.

Good schools recognise the outstanding events that students accomplish, both inside and outside of the college. The recognition of students fosters strong relationships among students, families, the college, and the community and creates a positive school culture where students feel valued.


As a school, we regularly conduct school assemblies with the theme being “Celebrating Success”. Many successes are usually highlighted, and in particular, in the areas of student attendance and academic success, as well as both intra and inter school sporting competitions.


These students who achieved recognition at these assemblies do so because they work hard and excel at what they do. We can all learn from them.



How do students prepare to be successful in their futures?


According to research there are 10 skills students need in order to be successful. The same skills continued to be mentioned no matter what research or survey you look at.

In the 21st Century there is an increased demand for self-directed workers who can adapt and learn quickly, think critically, communicate, and innovate.


So what are the 10 skills that are mentioned?


1. Adaptive Thinking: In the digital age, things are changing very quickly. By the time employees learn the newest software or program, a better version is coming about. Future employees will need to continuously adapt to changing conditions as well as be able to learn new things quickly and efficiently. We need students to learn how to learn.


2. Communication Skills: There continues to be an emphasis on the ability to communicate. In the digital age, however, we have access to a wide variety of new ways to communicate from video-conferencing to social media. Future employees need to be able to communicate with people within their team, as well as people outside of the team and organization.


3. Collaboration Skills:  Future employees will need to quickly adapt to a culture of collaboration. They will need to collaborate with others within and outside of the organization, often using a number of new technologies.


4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills: There is a decreased emphasis on employees following directions and an increased emphasis on employees thinking critically and solving problems. In a rapidly changing world, employers need employees who can solve problems, provide ideas and help improve the organization.


5. Personal Management: This includes the ability for employees to independently plan, organize, create and execute, rather than wait for someone to do this for them.


6. Inquiry Skills:  The ability to ask great questions, however, is a critical skill that is desperately needed in a culture which requires constant innovations.


7. Technology Skills: Almost every business that I talked to said that employers will need to be skilled at using technology. In the digital age, technology is everywhere. Students are required to learn technology efficiently. This needs to be emphasized.


8. Creativity and Innovation: This skill is mentioned often. I believe that it correlates with the ability to ask good questions and the ability to problem solve. Employers will be looking to employees more and more for creative and innovative solutions to issues that exist.


9. Organizational Skills:  Skills such as time management skills, organizational skills, the ability to look someone in the eyes when talking to them, or using a firm handshake are critically important in the 21st Century. I have heard a number of times, by different business leaders, that these skills seem to be disappearing.


10. Empathy and Perspective: Although this skill has always been important, it seems to be another one that is slowly disappearing. The ability for students to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, to understand their feelings, and to help solve their problems.

So the answer to the question is simple. If you want to be successful in life these are the skills you will need, whether you want to pursue further education or get a job.


As a school we are conscious of the need to develop these skills in our students. Teachers of the college are developing lessons daily and providing students with opportunities that hopefully allow students to practice the necessary skills I just mentioned. It is vital that we do so.



Student Leadership


Even after many years of working in schools, I continue to be amazed by the incredible leadership skills of our students.


Quite often I am asked by members of the school community as to what I consider to be vital ingredients of student leaders in both school and the extended community.

Passion and commitment, communication skills, listening well, seeing all sides of an issue, reacting quickly and thinking strategically should be fostered in all of our students if we want them to become useful and productive members of our school community.


Our College values of respect, achievement and responsibility are always at the core of a successful student leader’s work.


Every day, many of our students display these skills and many regularly are acknowledged both within and outside the College for their achievements.


I want to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the many Kurunjang Secondary College Leaders who continue to display many of the qualities I have outlined and continue to make a significant contribution to our college.



John Mitsinikos

College Principal