Term 3

SSV State Cross Country

Western Heights College SSV State Cross-Country Finals –Yarra Glen

Congratulations to the Western Heights College Cross Country Team members who represented the College in an exemplary manner on Thursday 14th July at the Yarra Glen Racecourse in the SSV State Final Competition. It was a wonderful experience for the students involved particularly when this event had not been held for a couple of years. It was encouraging to see an overall improvement in the College’s involvement at this high level of competition. Many thanks to the fine individual efforts of the school representatives who qualified to participate on the day. A particular mention to Joshua Unthank who claimed the 15 Year Boys State Title with Jack Unthank a close second. 


The results from the Western Heights College representatives from the day include the following:

14 Year Girls

Meyah Fursland – 87th

14 Year Boys

William Charles - 37th

Oscar Rixon – 57th

15 Year Girls

Nakiah Millar – DNF (Injured)

15 Year Boys

Joshua Unthank - 1st

Jack Unthank – 2nd

16 Year Girls

Caitlin Charles - 8th


On Wednesday the AFL Intermediate Girls and the AFL Junior Girls competed in the 2nd round of the SSV - Western Metropolitan Region. 


The Junior girls won their 3 matches and the Grand Final against Strathmore.  This puts them in the top 8 in the State with the Quarter finals to be played in August at Ballarat. 


Short 2 players they fought hard all day in the wind and the rain.   Great bunch of girls, we are very proud of them. 


On Wednesday, the Western Heights girls went to Werribee to compete in the second round of inter school footy. The junior team, year 7 and 8 girls, and intermediate team, year 9 and 10 girls both competed this day. We had an early start, and were on the bus on the road by 9 and the intermediate girls first game commenced at 10:15 against the Grange which ended up being a fun game as we all worked together and acknowledged what we could do better at half time and implemented that into our game which led to a win. In the second game against Marabanong we went in unprepared thinking we would have it easy since the team before didn't have much football experience, we let the previous win get to our heads and we lost by 5 points which was disappointing. Then to finish the day off on a good note we won our last game because we learnt from our previous game and didn't carry that loss with us and ended up winning. Overall it was a fun day and all the girls had a good time together. We are all pumped for next years competition.

By Dani Rhodes and Amber Towart



What an amazing effort by the Intermediate Boys Soccer Teams who tried hard all day in the games they participated in. Soccer is certainly going to be popular at Western Heights College as we were able to include two Intermediate Boys teams in the competition. The teams were arranged in Year levels, so we had a Year 9 and Year 10 team. Both teams acquitted themselves well as representatives of Western Heights College sporting excellence. Fortunately both teams were both able to secure a win and a loss for the day. It was pleasing to see all team members displaying great sportsmanship, comradery and healthy enthusiasm for the day.

Well done to all team members and coaches and we now look forward to the interschool competition again next year.


WHC Yr 10 Team Results:

Game 1 (Lost) WHC – 0 V’s Nth Geelong SC – 4


Game 2 (Won) WHC – 5 V’s Bellarine SC – 2


WHC Yr 9  Team Results:

Game 1 (Lost) WHC – 1 V’s Oberon SC – 2


Game 2 (Won) WHC – 3 V’s Newcomb SC – 0





Upcoming dates:


Western Hub - Friday July 29th



Dress Rehearsal – John Caine, Melbourne

Thursday 8th September – 9am -5pm

Friday 9th September – 10am - 6pm


Performances - John Caine, Melbourne

Saturday 10th September 

Matinee and night performance (times to be confirmed)

Ticket information attached:



Alyssa Osborne and Renee Brown dress our skeleton in the library everyday ... they have been enjoying him wearing 'many different hats'