Sport Committee

I am your Year 11 representative for the Sport Committee. Saying this term has been different would be a massive understatement as classes are online, sport trainings have been cancelled, and you're most likely going crazy with being stuck inside. During isolation, boredom is real and trying to find new things to do is getting more challenging as the days go by. Luckily there is light at the end of tunnel but, in the meantime, here are things that you can do to keep fit and healthy.
I have asked my fellow Year 11 student Breanne Shepherd what she does to stay healthy during isolation and she had the following to say:
Keeping active through this isolation period is very important to keeping your body and mind healthy. While gyms are shut, you can still keep active at home with a huge variety of workouts available online that require little to no equipment but still sets your heart pumping and releases those endorphins that boost your mood too!
During my iso adventure I have been using one of my favourite fitness youtubers, Sarahs Day, who is from Australia as well, and working out to her videos. What I love about this is that, although we aren’t able to work out with a group of people, working out with these videos is just like being in a gym class and having the motivation through the entire workout really helps you keep moving even though your muscles are hurting. Here’s the link to my favourite workouts!
If you aren’t a workout lover, being outside and going for a walk or a run with your mum, dad, or dog is just as beneficial to move that body! Hope you’re all staying safe, healthy, and active!
It is also important throughout these stress full times to not only exercise but to be eating healthily and taking mental breaks as well.
Lorna Jane Active Living
There are many apps out there that have a variety of different workouts you can do. A favourite app that I would recommend is the Lorna Jane Active Living app. This app has a variety of workouts you can do including cardio, strength, and mediation! Alongside this the app has a Nourish tab, which has a variety of different meal ideas from breakfast right down to dessert!
Charlotte Russell