Sport Development Leader

Many might think that, because we have been social distancing, sport and recreation has also diminished. On a whole, if we take in the team sport numbers you would be right but, if you have ventured out to the local park over the last few weeks you will have been amazed at the amount of people out walking, running, or exercising in our parks. In fact, the retail sector in shoes and bicycles is reporting increases in spending as we all take to the outdoors to look after our physical and mental health. With our national parks reopening this weekend, I am sure many will be out exploring and exercising also.
While we have been excellent at getting our daily dose of fitness, it is essential that we keep a routine through these changing times, as many of us are spending more time at our screens. An initiative we have implemented at the College for the students learning here is to ensure that the down time is indeed down time. We have been making sure that the students have what we have called Physical Disturbance sessions in between classes. These have been as simple as Simon Says, or as elaborate as a short treasure hunt around the grounds. I know for sure they are a lot of fun though and we look forward to them as much as the students.
For the many learning at home it can be hard to create your own activities, but you can keep it as simple as walking for a few minutes before the next lesson starts. Perhaps check the mail, play fetch with your pet, or interact with family. Either way, a break from the screen will do wonders for your productivity in the long run.
We are looking forward to getting you all back here in a few weeks and ramping up the sport and recreation. I hope you are too.
Homecourt App for Apple iPhone/iPad
We would like to share an exciting app with you this week. The app is called HOMECOURT and it is downloadable from the Apple App store. Unfortunately, this is only for apple iPhone or iPad. Android is still to be released.
The app was originally designed for basketball, but has been pushing towards AI games and fitness also. We have explored this at the College here during break times, with both staff and students being involved. We have set this up on an iPhone and then, using Apple TV, have used screen mirroring to put it on to the televisions.
The app works just as well on a phone screen but can be hard to see. It is free until 31 May. Why not download this and challenge the family?
CaSSA Sport
Unfortunately, we do not have an update on the return to school and CaSSSA Sport. We are waiting for the Government to reduce the restrictions around indoor and outdoor gatherings, as well as allowing gyms and sporting facilities to re-open. While a full-scale CaSSSA competition will not be available in Term 2, the Sport Department is looking to introduce as much as we can to prepare everyone for the return to sport. It is important that you stay active and keep the muscle and bone strength up. This will help reduce injury concerns when we come back to competition.
Our friends at Twelve-19 Physio have prepared some information on this for you to read.
Josh White