Cultural Corner

Introducing the MAGA Gallery
This term we are excited to be introducing our new online art gallery - the Mount Alvernia Gallery of Art (MAGA).
As we are unable to display our Term 1 student artwork in our college’s gallery spaces, we still want to be able to share this work with you in some way.
Our online art gallery will feature the artworks produced in class by our Visual Art students, as well as video works made by our Media Arts students.
We congratulate our students on completing your work for Term 1, even though it was slightly shortened, with some of you completing works from home.
To begin with, our gallery will feature the works of Years 7, 8, and 9 Visual Art classes. Year 7s completed a number of 2D artworks featuring plants from our college environment using a variety of media. Year 8
painted portraits of animals, while our Year 9s made ceramic teapots to draw attention to the world’s endangered animals. Using symbols, colour, and texture they have communicated the factors that are endangering our wildlife. In the collection we see a number of elephants, turtles, a pangolin, and various sea creatures.
We hope you enjoy our display.
Lorella Masci
LAA The Arts