Performing Arts & Music at BPPS

Assembly Guest Performers

Congratulations to our Junior Choir for their performance at our final assembly last Term!  They were very excited perform 'You've got a friend' and 'Absolutely Everybody'!  A great way to end Term 3!  Well done Junior Choir!

This fortnight in the Performing Arts Classroom

Foundation - What is a celebration? Preparing for our Carols Evening

Grade 1/2 - Indian Dancing - Exploring Movement and Tempo

Grade 3/4 - Social Justice Messages in Music - 'Treaty'

Grade 5/6 - Exploring Dynamics and Tempo - Vivaldi's Four Seasons


Grade 1/2 Home Learning Task

Thank you to all those families who completed the recent home learning task! It has been pleasing to see so many families taking the time to write a short piece of music! 

During Term 4 our Grade 1/2 students will record this piece, along with the one they have written in class,  on the iPad application, Garage Band, which they will present to their class. 


 If your child has not yet completed the task, can we ask these be completed and returned next week.  If your child no longer has the template, please visit Miss Poor for a new one.

Multicultural Concert

Yesterday we held our annual musical concert to celebrate our multicultural school community.  All of our talented ensembles performed at this event, presenting a range of repertoire from around the world.  It was lovely to see so many of our family and friends in the audience! 


We were incredibly proud of all our performers who displayed their musical abilities so enthusiastically!  Well done to everyone!


A special thank you must go to our instrumental teachers, Ruth, Rosemary, Sebastian, Ben, Maryellen, Sandy and Ben, and to those parents who assisted with the set up and clean up.  Thank you to our Senior Choir for providing the refreshments for this event and thank  you to everyone who came and supported our students!  


Important Dates

Boroondara Centenarian Luncheon Performance - Thursday 24 October (GVG)

Annual Carols Evening - Thursday 12 December (All ensembles)

Llaaneath Poor and Aleksis Payne 

(Performing Arts Teachers)