Keep on Connecting

Year 12 Theatre Studies
The Year 12 Theatre Studies class have spent several months preparing for a production as part of their assessment. Unfortunately, the performance was unable to proceed as planned last term, due to the introduction of social distancing regulations. But that was not going to stop them creating theatre!
On May 21st, after adapting their designs for a digital environment, adjusting to a new way of acting to camera, and rehearsing via Zoom, the class performed excerpts from their show online to a small audience of teachers and friends. It was an incredibly rewarding experience to work in this new way, and I am so very proud of the imagination, resilience and dedication of this wonderful group of young people. They are to be applauded for their determination and creativity.
“I was pretty proud that I was able to get some lighting designs in there, even if it wasn’t what we originally intended” – Amber
“It’s different performing to a camera rather than a full crowd of people. Challenging, but I think we pulled it off.” – Tim
One of the key phrases which featured in the script is hinc spes effulget, which is Latin for ‘hence hope shines forth’. This class of young theatre-makers has proven that hope can shine forth even in the midst of seemingly bleak circumstances.
"It was really good to still be able to put on a show during these insane times!" – Katelyn
The students and I are so grateful for the way God has provided hope and guided our steps during these unprecedented times.
Miss Kathryn Brown
Drama Teacher
VCE Music Performance Vocal Students
At the beginning of the school year, the Year 12 vocal students who are doing Unit 3 & 4 Music Performance were entered into the Boroondara Eisteddfod. This is a prestigious music competition that would usually take place in the Hawthorn Town Hall.
Due to the COVID-19 situation the competition went digital and students had to record themselves singing at home and submit their entries. This was quite challenging as all piano backing tracks had to be prerecorded, it is also pretty hard for students to give an engaging performance while singing into an iPad.
I am thrilled to report that Amber Swank received 3rd place while Rachael Song came 4th with an honourable mention in the 18 years and under Contemporary Vocal Solo section. Also worth mentioning is Amy Muggeridge who while not getting a place, still earned a very respectable 80 out of 100 points.
This is an amazing result for the students as they were competing in a very crowded field against some strong competition.
Luke Batty
Head of Performing Arts
Melbourne City Player Visits St Andrews Students
Richard Windbichler an Austrian soccer defender from Melbourne City FC joined us on our Zoom PE lesson to Year 10 VCE prep class to talk about fitness and health during lockdown! Hopefully Richard will come back again in Term 3 and meet the students face to face.