Keep Informed

Update regarding Reporting
The time is fast approaching when Semester Reports will be printed and sent out to each family. It is the aim of the College to provide written feedback and reports which are an accurate representation of each student’s progress. Due to the changes brought about at the end of Term One, and continuing into Term Two, it has been difficult to gather this information. As such, the College has made the decision not to provide a written comment on the Semester One Reports. We are, however, continuing to provide a grade for assessment tasks which have been completed throughout the semester, using the standard 5-point scale.
We will also be providing a rating for each student’s Approaches to Learning and also for Junior School students, their Social Skills. It is important to note that in many cases the number of assessment tasks has been reduced to an appropriate level in keeping with the work that has been able to be set in the Continuous Online Learning environment.
Prep students will also receive a general written comment regarding how they have settled into school life and learnt new routines. It is expected that the full process of academic reporting will be back in place for Semester Two.
Michael Swanborough
Head of Learning and Teaching
Successfully Transitioning Students Back to School
Outside School Hours Care
As you would be aware Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) was completely shut down due to the COVID-19 situation.
All our OSHC staff found it difficult being unable to work and see the children they so love caring for. However, a few staff members were fortunate to be able to help with the Learning Support program within the College, which has been a great blessing to fill the gap of income and connection with children. I was able to spend April/May in my office to initially catch up with admin duties and then had time to enjoy doing creative additions to the displays in the OSHC rooms.
It was with great excitement that we were once again able to care for children from Tuesday 26th May. It has been a pleasant start - although a little strange to only have 4-9 children in the afternoons instead of normally 35-45 children.
Routines have returned in OSHC with our gathering together (albeit with new COVID-19 safety measures in place) to be signed in, discuss the day and give thanks to God for afternoon tea before eating at our tables.
Homework is routinely done immediately after afternoon tea then the FUN starts! Children either go outside with a staff member or stay inside to do variety of creative activities with choices like jigsaws, Lego, drawing or craft.
Despite the circumstances over the past few months and the possible difficulties, we are pleased to be able to offer a holiday program for the whole two and half weeks in the next term break, Monday 29th June until Wednesday 15th July (weekdays only).
If you would like to use this service please be sure to see the schedule page below and complete a booking form attached below and return it to or leave it at reception.
Sally Wade
OSHC Coordinator & Nominated Supervisor
Learning, Connecting and Caring.
What a pleasure to see Prep – Year 2 and Year 10 – Year 12 students back on campus! The joy on many faces at being back, seeing friends and teachers was special. Not long now until we are all -together again!
Continuous Online Learning has continued for students in Year 3 – Year 9, and for those needing to be on campus things have been a little different. There have been a few changes, for example moving to different classrooms, a change to who is available to supervise etc, which can be an extra challenge for some.
It has been wonderful to gain insight into other peoples’ perspectives. Here are some reflections from the Learning Support Team:
Children’s smiles, children’s laughter,
Experiences we hold forever after,
Sunny days, stormy weather,
Look at what we achieved when we worked together!
We were welcomed back with balloons and bubbles,
The staff were amazing teaching out of the huddle,
And we want to thank all Staff, for their support in the muddle!
The virus was something no one expected,
And we keep on praying that - God keeps us protected.
Jenni Booth
Primary Learning Assistant
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
We rejoiced with our students (zooming with a cup of coffee, our pets next to us, slippers on our feet), We prayed with our students (not alone, not forgotten, loved and cared for),
We gave thanks for our students (zoom problem solvers, students teaching teachers);
For this was the will of God in Christ Jesus for us.
Aris Smith
Secondary Learning Assistant
“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1
What I've learnt:
1) Loads of IT skills e.g. video making and editing (I've found a new interest!)
2) My personality - the way I handle stress (need much improvement there!)
3) My teaching/pedagogy (what are my strengths and weaknesses).
What I'm thankful for:
1) My family for all their patience and support.
2) All the staff for their encouragement and support (especially Junior School and Learning Support teams!)
Olivia Tay
Junior School EAL Teacher
As a team we have been striving to look at the challenges and changes that have been thrust upon as an invitation to grow rather than an inconvenience or interruption to our lives.
“The only way that we can live, is if we grow.
The only way that we can grow is if we change.
The only way that we can change is if we learn.
The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.
And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.”
JoyBell C
Shirley Gillie
Head of Learning Support