COHR Wellbeing Week 2020!

This year, Wellbeing Week will look a little different. Usually we have whole school events, parent morning tea, cross level activities and many different activities that we all love participating in.

This year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to do some of these things. However, have no fear! Our teachers have been busy working around the restrictions to find and plan some different fun activities for the students to enjoy during this time.

Wellbeing Week has been a tradition at COHR for quite a while now, it is a week where teachers make learning extra fun and plan some more fun and relaxed activities, focused on our health and wellbeing. Some of the things teachers have planned are listed below:

  1. Extra sport and physical activities
  2. Aerobics (Whole school, rotating through two classes at a time)
  3. Whole school foyer displayed (to be posted on Instagram)
  4. Free Fruit to be provided by Parents Association
  5. Mindfulness music for some morning reflection and colouring in
  6. Extra SEL lessons within classrooms
  7. Touch of Colour Day - can of food donation (more information below)
  8. Encouraging extra kindness to friends and teachers
  9. Activities to encourage a growth mindset
  10. Extra Christian Mediation sessions with the class

On Wednesday 24th June students are invited to wear their school uniform with a touch of colour. They are also asked to bring a can of food or a non-perishable food item to donate. 

(eg short pasta (spirals, penne etc), UHT milk, rice (any kind), canned chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans,  canned corn, tinned tuna, dried lentils. This Touch of Colour Day is encouraging our students to think about the people who may be struggling during the Covid19 period. The food items will be donated to FareShare.


We are all very much looking forward to Wellbeing Week in 2020.



Take care, stay safe.

-Emily Faella (Wellbeing Leader)