Junior Council

The Junior Council continued to work collaboratively and effectively throughout the remote learning period. The representatives, together with the Wellbeing Captains, planned and created the BNPS Rainbow Montage highlighting the colourful memory of our home learning experience. They planned together via an online meeting and created the display by cutting out the photos. The representatives who were at on-site learning prepared the decorations and the final product. The BNPS Rainbow Montage was presented by the representatives to Mrs Duffy (Principal), Mrs Simpson (Assistant Principal), Natalie McMahon (Wellbeing Officer) and Alistair Lloyd (School Council President) and is now displayed in the School Office. 

The Junior Council representatives have also arranged a ‘rainbow coloured' dress up day for the final day of Term 2, where students will wear bright coloured clothes to celebrate the end of a unique term and start the school holidays with an explosion of fun and colour! 


The Junior Council is proud of the contributions they have made in trying circumstances in 2020. They are looking forward to working together next term planning activities and fundraising events at the school. 


The Junior Council Representatives

Addisyn L - Year 6
Anika M - Year 6
Matthew C - Year 5
Mia B - Year 5
Phoenix C - Year 4
Mackenzie B - Year 4
Liam N - Year 3
Ada S - Year 3
Addisyn L - Year 6
Anika M - Year 6
Matthew C - Year 5
Mia B - Year 5
Phoenix C - Year 4
Mackenzie B - Year 4
Liam N - Year 3
Ada S - Year 3