PE & Sports News

During remote learning it was great to see lots of students across all the year levels send in their photos and videos of the many skills they learnt while at home both with their families and also as part of the PE Program. 


Since returning to school we have continued to build on these skills with all students in Years 3 - 6 participating in a unit on tennis. The main focus being to strike the ball and learn the fundamentals of Hot Shots tennis using hitting techniques and focusing on game awareness. 

The Preps have continued with their kicking skills and have had fun reconnecting with small FUN tag games.


Year 1 - 2 have consolidated their striking skills using small bat tennis bats to practice hitting in small modified games. 


The PE Team

Kirsty Hall
Debbie O'Brien
Dani Jones
Kelly Bloomfield
Kirsty Hall
Debbie O'Brien
Dani Jones
Kelly Bloomfield