A note from Mr Jackson

Thanks Pam - much more than ‘just a cleaner’

We look forward to celebrating the remarkable contribution of Pam Brett who has been a significant part of our community over many years during our final assembly next week. Her service to our community has been greatly appreciated by so many. Stay tuned to RPSTV Assembly times to ensure you don’t miss out next week.


Students are composing a book of thanks to celebrate her achievements. If you would like to contribute with a statement of thanks then please send through your words via email to rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au. They will be added to a special page.


This Friday’s Assembly

Thanks to our School Captains and Vice Captains who ran our school assembly last week. A reminder that the start time for assembly has been shifted to 2:45pm due to the staggered leaving time. We look forward to celebrating learning for the week.


Meeting link:


Meeting number: 165 453 4369

Password: DrDPRMBs362


Parent ‘Learning at Home’ Survey

We’re eager to learn from our parents about their experiences of remote learning this term. Whilst we are back in classrooms, we acknowledge there are always lessons to be learned from reflection. While it has already been several weeks since our return, you are invited to recall your experiences and contribute feedback. You have until the end of term to share your voice.


Then enter the following information.

  • School Name: Rosanna Primary School
  • Enter the School PIN: 548419

Student Voice - ‘Learning at Home Survey’

While all students across the school have celebrated their learning at home in classrooms, students from Years 4, 5 and 6 have been invited to offer their experiences through an online survey. They will be participating in the survey over these coming days at school. This data will contribute to a better understanding of how students have fared during this remote learning period.


Book Borrowing - Full Steam Ahead

Staff have been eager to ensure students have access to library and home reading books and are actively reading. We have made some changes to the processes we have, when using take home and library books as per instructions from The Australian Library Association.  This includes keeping home reading books that are returned, out of circulation until they are safe for student use. In the classrooms, students will continue with the routine for home reading borrowing once they have returned their book. Measures are in place to ensure our library books are aired and safe before they are returned to our shelves. 


Thanks from Bruce Atkinson

It was great to receive a congratulatory note from Bruce Atkinson, Member of the Legislative Council, after a recent interaction I had with him. I pass on his thanks to our whole community.


Thank you for sharing Rosanna Primary School’s approach to dealing with the pandemic. I am humbled, but not surprised, to hear that the school community has worked together during these challenging times to provide outstanding care to its students. 


I wish to thank you and the staff for responding to this challenge. I commend you on transitioning to remote learning and using technology to educate and connect with students. Your approach has no doubt provided students with structure and the ability to adapt to change. I am sure this transition required additional work and commitment from all school staff. I hope this experience has strengthened the school community and prepared teachers and students for any future disruptions that may occur.


School Reports Available Next Week

We look forward to releasing the Semester 1 2020 Student Reports next Wednesday. There have been some significant changes to the content and shape of the report due to the shift to and from remote learning. These changes include;

  • a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum taught including English, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education and Italian
  • teacher comments regarding student learning achievement, based on the Victorian Curriculum, for the subject English and Mathematics
  • a teacher comment on how each student has adjusted to the remote and flexible learning environment with reference to the Personal and Social Capability curriculum

It is important to note that the student report does not include the usual teacher judgements and five-point scale due to the unprecedented changes to our program introduced as a result of COVID-19. These elements will be included as part of the report at the end of the year. 


3 Way Conference Interviews - Monday 20 July

Teachers will be juggling phones on Monday 20 July with parents and students between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. This conference has traditionally been an opportunity for teachers and students to share a portfolio of learning samples in a face to face meeting. In previous years students have only attended for the 15min period of their interview during the day. 


Due to the significant interruptions to learning this semester, it was decided to minimise any further disruptions by ensuring the attendance of all students for the whole day of Monday 20 July. This will be achieved by shortening the interviews that would happen in the afternoon and evening period to 10mins over the phone. If there was a need for longer meetings identified by parents or teachers prior to this date, meetings outside this time could be arranged.


The aim of this evening will be to reflect on the progress of students and to support the students in sharing their Deeper Learning Goals with parents. 


Further information for making bookings through compass will be made available to parents early next week.


Final Day of Term Next Friday

School will finish early next Friday 26 June at 2:15 for older students and 2:30pm for students in the younger year levels. Please ensure that students are picked up promptly.