Parents in Community

AGM - Tuesday 30th June

Our next Parents in Community (PiC) meeting is an important one as it's the AGM!  NOTE the name change!  How exciting!  There are a number of Executive Positions in PiC that need to be voted on so we encourage parents to attend.  The meeting will be held in our staff room on Tuesday 30th June at 7pm.   The AGM will be followed by a General Meeting at 7.30pm.  


This will be the first meeting in a while, held in person (finally!), so we would love our school parents to attend where possible.  Your support is needed for our Parents in Community so please pray over this meeting and attend if possible.

PiC Treasurer needed in 2020

Our current Treasurer of the Parents in Community Association, Barbara Knight, will be resigning from her role this month.  Barbara has faithfully served our school community for many years and we've been extremely grateful for her wonderful guidance and wisdom.  Thank you so much Barbara for all the time you have spent helping and supporting our school community - you have been a great blessing to us all!


Are you able to help fill this role?  We ask that people in our LCS School Community consider taking on this important role in our PiC as it's a vital part of our team.  You will have the opportunity to be trained in this role and are greatly supported by our office staff.


If you'd like to know more or are interested in taking up this role, please contact our PiC by email:

Fathers Day Stall - Expression of Interest

BBQ Trailer for Hire

Did you know that LCS owns a large BBQ trailer that is available for hire outside of the school?

The trailer is a 3 x 6 burner and to hire, just download our Application for Hire Form below.   Completed forms can be dropped off or emailed to our office.  For further information, please contact our office,