VET Taster Day

Anne Gough

On Tuesday June 13 all Year 9 students experienced the wonderful opportunity of learning about the variety of VET courses offered to Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12 students. The cohort was divided into two groups to enable a visit to the sites where the courses are delivered. One group went to HDSC (Hamilton District Skills Centre) and the other to SW TAFE. Here the students were informed about the courses and had hands-on involvement to enable a good understanding of what the course entailed. At SW TAFE the VET courses trialled by students were Agriculture, Health Services Assistant, Visual Arts, Early Childhood Studies and Engineering which is delivered at Monivae. The group that went to HDSC were offered Kitchen Operations, Building and Construction, Automotive, Hair and Beauty, Creative Industries 3D and Technology (Gaming). The groups swapped sites so all students gained an awareness of all the courses.

This was a most timely excursion as in Term 3 students will be doing subject selections for Year 10. Having had a hands-on experience, students will have a good idea if they should select a VET course as part of their Year 10 studies. There are many advantages in selecting a VET course as these courses offer Units 1 to 4, are part of the VCE and are used in ATAR scores. In addition, upon completion, students also receive a Certificate in the VET course. Students doing VCEVM have to select a VET course as part of their studies. It is a good idea for a Year 10 student considering this option for Year 11 to compete a VET course. This way they can then develop a vocational interest in preparation for VCEVM.


Anne Gough