News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

NAPLAN Student Reports 2023- Changes to the Reporting Process

This year there will be a change to the way NAPLAN reports students results. NAPLAN results will be reported against proficiency standards with 4 levels of achievement to give teachers, parents and carers clearer information on how students are performing. 


NAPLAN results will be reported using measurement scales for each of the assessment areas of numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation (these last 2 together are called conventions of language). 

The NAPLAN proficiency standards include 4 proficiency levels for each assessment area at each year level: 

  • Exceeding: the student’s result exceeds expectations at the time of testing. 
  • Strong: the student’s result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
  • Developing: the student’s result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.
  • Needs additional support: the student’s result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

Each of the standards represents increasingly challenging skills and understandings as students move through the years of schooling.

The number and percentage of questions a student needs to answer correctly to achieve a result in a given level, varies depending on the test domain, year level and, for non-writing tests the student’s pathway through the tailored test.


It is important to note that individual students may demonstrate different skills or 

 understandings depending on which parts of the tests they performed more strongly in. Students whose results fall near the top of a proficiency level will be able to demonstrate more of the skills, or more complex understanding. Students whose results fall near the lower end of a level will be able to demonstrate fewer of the skills, or less complex understanding.  


Year 3 and 5 student NAPLAN reports will be available early Term Three.

Please view the Interpreting NAPLAN results brochure using the link below:

The New Year 3-6  English Syllabus 

At our  school’s Staff Development Day on Monday 17th July teachers will attend professional learning sessions related to implementation of the New 3-6 English Syllabus in 2024, in addition to an opportunity to attend sessions to review and evaluate the current implementation of the K- 2 English Syllabus.


The NSW Education system is reforming the curriculum which will be taught in all classrooms from Kindergarten to Year 12. This new curriculum, as a result of the NSW Curriculum Reform, wil give students more time to focus on key learning areas so that they acquire a deeper understanding of central concepts and develop strong foundations for learning.


             Key Focus areas of the New 3-6 English Syllabus are:

  • Students becoming articulate and sophisticated users of oral language.
  • Emphasis given to developing students’ breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge, with the understanding of the close links between the development of oral language, reading and writing.
  • Students to read regularly for understanding, challenge, interest and enjoyment to enhance reading fluency and build vocabulary, contributing to improved writing and use of language.
  • Students to engage in rich discussion and analysis of a wide range of quality texts to support reading and writing skills.

Professional learning sessions will continue for teachers during  2023 to plan and  design quality English programs to cater for students' learning styles and to address the new Syllabus focus areas and changes to content.


Amadeus Music Program

Students from years 3-6 demonstrated all the wonderful things they have learnt from their Amadeus Music Tutors. Each ensemble was given the opportunity to show off their skills and perform the pieces they have been working on. Well done to all on another fantastic term of Amadeus music lessons.

Term Three - School Uniform

Students will return to school in Term 3 onTuesday 18th July wearing their winter uniform. Parents, please ensure that your child is coming to school in the correct winter uniform. This includes boys wearing long sleeve shirts with long pants/shorts, grey socks and black school shoes.


Girls are to wear their winter tunic/navy pants with navy socks or tights and black school shoes.


The school’s sports uniform is only to be worn on scheduled sports days. Students are to wear white or black sport shoes with white sports socks.







Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal