News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope this newsletter finds you and your families in good health and high spirits as we all prepare to have a break over the winter school holiday period. As we reach the end of another eventful term I would like to take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and activities that have taken place over the past few months.


Academic Achievements

The students have demonstrated exceptional dedication to their learning this term showcasing their hard work and commitment. I commend each student for their perseverance and encourage them to maintain their enthusiasm as we enter the next term. 


Faith and Spirituality

At Our Lady of Fatima, we firmly believe in nurturing the spiritual growth of our students. Throughout the term, we have actively engaged our students in various faith-based activities and celebrations. We celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with our Year 6 students and our weekly Masses have continued to serve as an opportunity for reflection, prayer, and unity within our school and parish community. The introduction of our Mercy values for each grade has also been an opportunity to actively reflect on these values and live them out in our lives.


Extracurricular Activities

Our extracurricular activities have provided students with diverse opportunities to explore their talents and interests. We have witnessed remarkable performances in the creative arts, in the SCS Eisteddfods, with our choir, our student-led talent quest and our Chess team, just to name a few. Additionally, our sports teams and individual students have participated in several inter-school competitions, displaying great sportsmanship and determination. We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and enthusiasm.


This term, our teachers and students participated in various outreach initiatives, including fundraising for local charities, donating to the SVDP Winter Appeal and giving service in a “Kids Giving Back” program for the homeless. These experiences have fostered a sense of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility among our students. 


As we look ahead to the next term, we have an exciting line up of events planned for the students and parents. I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and, most importantly, our wonderful students for their unwavering commitment to excellence and our Catholic values.


As mentioned in our last newsletter if you are interested in forming a team to work on plans for a major parent fundraiser for the school please fill out your details in the link below:


  • STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY REMINDER- Term 3 First Day  (17th July)

A reminder that professional learning for staff in the form of a (Staff Development Day) SDD will be held on Monday 17th July. On this day the teachers will be collaborating with teachers from our neighbouring Catholic Primary schools on the Curriculum Reform and new K-6 English Syllabus implementation. There will be no teachers onsite but supervision will be provided for students if necessary.


May you all have a restful and enjoyable break during the upcoming holidays. Stay curious and just enjoy being together! I know I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my family and grandchildren. 


I look forward to welcoming everyone back for another term of growth and learning in Term 3.


God bless you all.


Mrs Sue Clay | Principal