Premier's Reading Challenge

Nicola Smith

This year, primary students at Mount Carmel College are participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC). 


The Challenge is not a competition but a way to encourage students to develop a love of reading for life.  Students are encouraged to set a personal reading goal for the Challenge and see how many books they can read in 10 weeks. 


The Challenge begins on Monday 26 June and concludes on Friday 1 September. All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 have been registered to participate. 


Students will set a reading goal for the 10 weeks, either at school or at home with you. We are encouraging all families to participate in and support the Challenge, as it is so important to inspire a love of reading in our students. 


It doesn’t matter what students read, as long as they are reading during the Challenge. They can read books in a variety of formats including print, digital, audiobooks and graphic novels. For our Early Years children, decodable readers and books that are read to them also count towards their total. Larger chapter books can be counted as more than one book, so we encourage students to talk with their teacher about how many chapters or pages can be counted as “one book”.


To help you and your child get started be sure to check out some of the books the PRC have recommended here: 


Our College Library also has a wonderful range of books for students to borrow, during the challenge. 


Completing the Challenge is something to be proud of. Therefore, as a school, we will be celebrating students' reading goals, with awards across all year levels. Furthermore, students can share what they are reading by submitting a book review (with the possibility of winning a $50 book voucher), any time during the Challenge, using the online form linked at the bottom of this Reading Challenge website. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher. You can also find out more about the Premier's Reading Challenge at the following link: 


To keep track of the books read, you can download and print a Reading Log here: