Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

Cross Countries Carnivals

The resilience and determination of a cross country runner never ceases to amaze me.  Last Friday and again today our team battled the elements as they took to the course at the Tasmanian Police Academy to participate in the STCPSSA and JSSATIS Cross Country carnivals.  A smaller team will head off soon to be part of the Primary All Schools carnival, again in a part of Tasmania where the winds are freezing, fog dense and the mud thick - Symmons Plains. Thank you to the parent community for your support in getting your daughters to these events and to the staff who layer up and assist our students to be the very best version of themselves.

College Production 

Our Year 5 and 6 students will be attending the College production on Thursday 29 June - which we are all so looking forward to. It is important that any outside appointments are avoided on this day so that all students can participate. 



Year 5 and 6 Sports Day

Our Year 5 and 6 students have been invited to participate in a Netball/AFL Round Roster on Friday 30 June.  Ms Nikki Stuart is working on the finer details of this day and information will be sent soon.  Students will have the chance to play netball or AFL and those who have indicated that they do not want to participate will stay at school for the day. 

Mount Carmel Day

Work is frantic behind the scenes in ensuring that Our Lady of Mount Carmel is recognised and our College with whom she is our namesake is celebrated on the last day of Term 2.  Further information about this day will be communicated soon.