Principal's Report

Dear families,


As we come to the end of Semester One, our students have much to be proud of, as they have finished their assessments, participated in examinations and extended themselves in the learning and teaching program and the co-curricula life of our College. I am so proud to hear of our students’ achievements whether in class, in their learning, on the sporting field, performance spaces or technology arena. 

Yesterday, I attended the swearing in of the Horsham Youth Counsellors and I was particularly proud to see that two of our students, Tom Luke and Liam Carracher, have been elected onto the Council and I was also pleased to observe Alan Lulu Kuriakose also putting his name forward. These young adults are starting a life dedicated to serving others and are a good example of what we aspire to at St Brigid’s.

This week our Year 10-12 students have been provided with opportunities to explore their futures by attending the Careers Day on Tuesday and the Year 10s were also given an additional opportunity on Thursday to explore the vast number of career options in the locally important industry of Agriculture. I thank Lesley Lannen for coordinating these opportunities. 

As the term concludes l am grateful for the commitment and dedication of our staff. Our college motto is ‘Strength and Gentleness’ and as we near the end of a winter term, the staff here have had to reach into this maxim at times to reach the end. Our team here at St Brigid’s work for the benefit of each student and community member – promoting learning, faith and wellbeing enabling each young person to be their best. I thank the staff for their hard work and generous spirit and sense of community.

The tragic bus accident that occurred in NSW last week reminds us of the need to be vigilant when travelling and my expectation is that all students wear a seat belt when travelling on buses both locally and further afield. I would like to wish all families a safe and enriching break from school over the next few weeks, however for our senior students, this does not mean a break from study, as the end of the year is fast approaching.

I ask all families to check our online calendar to see the numerous events coming up at the start of the new semester and I remind all families that Monday 10 July (first day of term 3) is a Student Free day where staff will be developing their High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS).


Keep safe


Gerard Raven