Getting to know us
Get to know our fantastic NPS team
Getting to know us
Get to know our fantastic NPS team
Each issue, we will be introducing you to a member or two of our school staff team!
Class taught:
Music / Performing Arts
Tell us a bit about yourself...
I began teaching at Newtown PS in 1997! My son attended this school for five years. Two of my dogs have even attended this school at various times in my life! I have taught every year level as a classroom teacher at Newtown PS except for the Seniors, and also worked in Wellbeing, Arts Therapy, Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Drama, ESL (English as an additional language) and even taught preps Indonesian! This year I am teaching part time at school and the other days I am running my Creative Arts Therapy business from my home Studio. As you probably already know, I LOVE music and art! This year I am also the President of the Geelong Sculptors Group so we have meetings, exhibitions and organise special events for our members.
Please list any special roles & responsibilities that you have been assigned this year
I have a passion for learning about Australian indigenous culture, and aim to include shared knowledge and information into my teaching, whatever the subject is! For thousands and thousands of years they survived, lived offf the land, protected the land. There is a rich culture and knowledge we are sadly losing.
Years worked at Newtown PS.
What is your last played song on Spotify/Apple Music? (no cheating!)
'I get up' by the Teskey Brothers
If you were stuck on a deserted island with two books, what would they be?
Love Stories by Trent Daltan
What’s the one snack we’d always find in your kitchen?
Corn Thins
Name three people who you would invite to your dream dinner party
Billy Connelly, Nelson Mandela, Robin Williams
Describe your personality in a single word
What are your your top two hobbies / activities outside of work?
Exploring the Arts/ spending time with family and friends (that includes my dog Shan)
I love being a member of the NPS community because...
It's a perfect size and you get to know everyone
Class taught:
Tell us a bit about yourself...
I have taught in lots of different areas at Newtown PS over the past 9 years. I was the Art teacher for 5 years, as well as juniors, middles and preps. Currently I am the staff well-being co-ordinator, Prep PLC Leader and Events. I live in Highton with my husband, Andrew and 2 children. Tahlie is 17 and Madden 14. We also have 2 horses Charlotte and Tilly, a dog named Scratch and a kitten named Diva. I love to go on big walks with my friends, drink coffee and potter in the garden.