Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

The bonfire reward event last week turned out to be well timed with this period of very cold weather. Students indulged in Tim Tams and Smores, washed down with hot chocolate and milo, while they warmed themselves around the fire and listened to music.

It was our best attended rewards event, with 57 students catching the bus to the bonfire site in the paddock. The event was also attended by long-time local supporter of the College and photographer, Alan Carter. He introduced the students to light paintings using the LED light sticks he had created for the event. Students then made some really creative images. Alan also said that his modest photographer’s fees are donated to a motor neurone disease foundation.  He lost his first wife to this disease, and we were touched by his generosity of spirit in working with the students and donating the proceeds.

As I write, many students are enjoying themselves at Country Week and will then have a well-deserved two-week holiday. I’m hoping they all get the break that they need, as Year 12s will return and be on the home straight to completing their secondary education, while Year 11s are off to Broome and back, on the North West Tour. Stay safe. Look after each other. 


Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator