Mrs Harvey's 



Assistant Principal


Hello wonderful SPS community! 


On Saturday the 27th of March at 8:30pm it is Earth Hour for 2021 🌏 Earth Hour is about making the #switchfornature to support Australia’s switch to a renewables-based economy. Some ways that you can participate in Earth Hour is to

·         Switch to solar power ☀️

·         Switch your ride 🚴‍♂️

·         Switch your lights off 💡❌

At SPS we care about our environment and will be supporting this initiative by having our own Earth Hour at school. Today we will be #switchingoff our lights for the last hour of the school day. Students will be thinking about our environment, why it’s important to keep our environment healthy, how we already help the environment and what they could pledge to do in future to help the cause. 


In other exciting news, we have recently been awarded a grant for some new solar panels! This will help us #switchoff a bit more in future. 


In addition to our Earth Hour afternoon, on Friday 26th of March (NEXT WEEK) we would love to see as many students at possible #switchrides for the day. See if you can ride your bike, walk to school with your family from your house or a little further down the road to help reduce carbon emissions! 🚴‍♂️🚶‍♀️ 

Who will be participating in Earth Hour this year?! 

News brought to you from your local SEEC Team 🌿

Thanks, Sarah McCann 



We had another great day for our Cross Country this week. It was so great to see the kids trying so hard, encouraging each other and helping out our younger students. Thank you to Mr G for organising the day. It was also great to have past students Eli and Beau back to be the hares for the day. Thanks boys you did a great job!


Look at the photos of some wonderful learning going on at SPS. It is great to walk around the school and see our students so engaged in their learning.




Don’t forget to start filling in your reading nights. Great to see students already coming in to show me their 25 nights of reading and some have already reached 50 nights!!!!!! Remember 40 nights this term will get you class party. 

There are 14 nights left to read this term so you can all do it!!!!!! Notes will be sent home on Friday 26th for the 40 nights class party. That means there are 8 more nights to read for this – will you make it???


ICYPOLES FOR SALE NEXT WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AND THE LAST WEDNESDAY AT LUNCHTIME 50 cents each. Money raised will go towards new trees for our sensory area.