Learning and Teaching

A fun way to end the term!
Written by the Year 1/ 2 students
Today the Year 1/2 Community went to the Botanical Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance. The Botanical Gardens is a natural site in Melbourne that protects endangered plants.
The Shrine of Remembrance is a place to remember, pay respect and give thanks to the soldiers who fought for Australia.
We saw the eternal flame at the Shrine and the poppies that remember the soldiers that fought in many wars. In the Botanical Gardens we saw a Guilfoyle’s volcano.
In the Botanical Gardens, we went for a walk through the rainforests and the cactus plants. We walked through plants that make up the Australian Forest. We went to the Ian Potter’s Children’s Garden. We tried our best to stay away from the water and explored the great areas it has on offer.
Afterward, we went to Williamstown Beach and we had lunch and even got ice cream for dessert.
This was all about learning about places in Victoria because we were learning about it throughout the term. It was very exhausting and fun!
Congratulations to all our children and their families for all the hard work you have all put in across 2020. This year was one that none of us has experienced before and the children have got through it due to the combined effort of all staff and families.
Over this year, the children at Corpus Christi showed that they can be:
- Adaptable
- Independent
- Clear communicators
- Flexible
- Helpful to their classmates
- Persistent
- Reflective
- Responsive
- Questioner
Once again, thank you for the support you have given the teachers and students of Corpus Christi over 2020.
Take home readers
Just a reminder to all families to return any take-home readers by the end of the week. We can then prepare and ready the take-home reading tubs for 2021.
Deborah Courtney
Director of Teaching and Learning