Alumni News
Follow your passion, listen to your body, follow your nose, embrace uncertainty and trust in yourself/be yourself were some of the themes that came from the stories shared by our five alumni panellists.
Thank you: Ruby Scanlan ’11, Georgia Kelly ’12, Abby Christiaans ’17 and Rachel Kaiser ’19 for returning to MFG to participate in a Q&A held on the first day of the school year (for Year 12 students) aimed to prepare them for the year ahead and beyond.
A special thank you to Molly Bond ’17 who joined our panel at the last- minute after popping in 'at the right time' to visit some of her past teachers. Your experiences and candid responses, no doubt, resonated with so many students.
Our panel was diverse in both pathways and experiences:
Ruby, is a qualified Physiotherapist and has just completed her Masters of Education working as a graduate teacher this year, Georgia is a Psychologist working for Victoria Police, Abby is 6 months off finishing her Bachelor of Communication and Design at Deakin University whilst freelancing and developing her clothing brand (see photo of Jeremy Dyson wearing her label), Rachel is finishing her Diploma in Community Service at The Gordon and is heavily involved in developing youth programs with her local council and is the youth voice for Barwon Water’s ‘50 Years to Water Management’ and finally, Molly has finished her Bachelor of Arts (Chinese Language and Asian Studies) at LaTrobe University and is off to complete her Masters in Diplomacy at ANU, Canberra.
It always warms my heart to see students remain behind at the conclusion of the session (and the school-day) to speak one-on-one with our alumni guests - how courageous and mature!
Well done Year 12s for introducing yourselves to our panellists, asking our panel questions (during and after the session) and for making the most of this opportunity.
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead!
If you are a MFG alumna and have not yet reached out, please contact Alumni Program Manager, Tanja Dunat Timms: