It’s that exciting time of year when Y10 students move up into working towards the Intermediate VCAL Certificate as Y11’s and last year’s Intermediate VCAL students become Senior VCAL students.
It’s only been a very short time this year but students have already been building on the routines and responsibilities that they established during the Early Commencement Program.
Our focus is firmly on workplace safety at the moment, preparing for work placement (school-based apprenticeships (SBA) and vocational education and training (VET) students) and work experience (Y12’s who have completed an SBA).
Step 1 is to complete the Safe@Work OHS modules to show a basic understanding of both general and industry-specific workplace safety before we get to some more in-depth and practical examples.
Some of our Intermediate students with completed Safe@work certificates.
Mr Ross Kalla
VCAL Leader