Grade 5/6 Students 

Celebrating our fantastic Fives and sensational Sixes!

5/6A - Miss Morrison

5/6A students playing Place Value Knockout 2.0

Ask your child to teach you how to play! It is a good strategy game, as well as reinforcing place value concepts.

5/6B - Mr Jared

5/6 B Writing our Essential Agreement for 2021

An "Ideas Waterfall " finding a perfect sport to Read

Sienna B

5/6C - Mr H

In 5/6C, student’s wrote a letter to their future self. They focused on their current interests and hobbies, as well as asking their future self some interesting questions. We can’t wait to read these letters at the end of the year to see what changes have taken place. 

Grace B
Grace B
Tayah H
Tayah H


