Grade 3/4 Students

Celebrating our tremendous Threes and fabulous Fours !

3/4A - Miss Lee

Grade 3/4A have been investigating place value in our Maths lessons. In the pictures below,  Georgia and Axel are thinking about doubles, near doubles and counting on.   Decisions were made about when to use each strategy, dependent on the equations that were made.

Georgia P
Georgia P
Axel W
Axel W

3/4B - Miss Brook

In 3/4, students have begun writing letters to a peer which will give more information about each others' lives and what is of importance to them.  Our Inquiry focus is “The World Outside of Me”. As part of our final showcase of learning for this unit, students will create a biography about someone else using the information collected along the journey.

Kian and Arad
Kian and Arad
Tess and Liam
Tess and Liam


3/4C -  Mr Lewis

Last week we investigated different strategies used for simple addition problems and looked at how those strategies could be applied to calculate more difficult sums. Some of the strategies the students used, included using their knowledge of doubles and near doubles, counting on and friends of ten.

The students have been busy writing letters to one another about their lives. Some of the information in their letters have included earliest memories, family information and personal achievements. Once the letter is complete, they are handed over to another student who will ask further questions in preparation for writing a biography.

3/4D - Mr Mitch

On Tuesday the 9th of February I was fortunate enough to watch our Grade Four students compete at the house swimming carnival. A huge congratulations to all of the 3/4D competitors and also to Gus and Isobel who will be competing at the School District event in 2021.


In week three 3/4D were required to write a letter to someone within the school. Here is a beautiful letter that Amelia wrote to Mrs. Clancy and Miss. Lou.

3/4E - Ms Margarita

For numeracy, we have been working on place value. Students made their name out of MAB, drew a representation in their grid book and then calculated the total. 

Patrick M
Patrick M
Imogen.S.A and Polly W.
Imogen.S.A and Polly W.