Pastoral Care News

To say “Thank you” hardly seems adequate enough to acknowledge the support and generousity that has been given to the C.A.T throughout this year. 2020 was a year of challenges; physically and emotionally and I am confident in saying that we all had to rise to the challenge and adapt in some capacity. 


When we started the year, none of us could imagine the events that would unfold throughout the year and in reflection I can see that we have all embarked on our own personal journeys and are some how different. On a personal level; the year gave me the chance to reflect on what and who is important and where I would like me journey in life to go. I now have a better understanding of although I can not control outside influences I am in control of how I respond or react; therefore, I determine my own destiny. I can make my own choices and when faced with challenges I can make informed choices to choose my path in life. 


A wise person once told me to “Don’t let other people weigh you down or try and stop you moving forward. Don’t let them try and sink you; just keep paddling your canoe and keep moving forward towards your goal” I think that is brilliant advice; simple but effective. As long as I keep paddling; even if it is against the current and unforeseen obstacles I will eventually get to where I want to be.


Throughout 2020 students, staff and the wider community embraced our initiatives providing support for those experiencing distress or hardship. We followed the ethos of St Vincent de Paul, SEE, THINK and DO resulting in a range of activities and fundraising campaigns. 


As a direct response to the devestating fires we raised funds to support the bees and koalas. When we went into remote learning we encouraged everyone to be brave and step outside of their comfort zone; requesting people (staff and students) learn to knit. We collected squares which will be made into blankets for those in need. The response was phenomonal.


We continued to provide support for CAREVAN, and created our “I Care “kits to be given to those at risk of, or who are homeless. Kits were given to Linking Community Network and distributed as per need.


With the support of the wider Griffih community we supported one of our MCC families following the tragic death of a familiy member. 


The staff are currently running a raffle to raise vital funds for “Needy Paws”. We continue to engage in active ministry on a weekly basis and I am extremely grateful for the support that is given, time and time again. 


Earlier this week, the leaders of the C.A.T offered our amazing MCC St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers as a gift to Sr Tricia and Sr Therese (Sisters of Mercy) representing the organisation. We were fortunate enough to have Fr Paul, our School Chaplain, bless the hampers before they were presented to the school at our open-air Christmas celebration. 36 hampers and several additional boxes of surplus goods were given and this amazing act of kindness only demonstrates further what a generous and caring community MCC is and how when asked; we answer the call and are willing to serve and assist those most in need. 


Also, this week the leaders of the C.A.T joined together to say goodbye to two of our most significant members, Miss McMahon and Mr Neville. Both staff members have been a huge part of the C.A.T. 

Miss McMahon is a homeroom leader and also one of the dedicated TAS staff who volunteers her time to be one of the supervisors when we cook for CAREVAN and has also been involved in our Caritas activities conducted in 2019. We will miss her enthusiasm, her dedication to our team and her passion for social justice.


Mr Neville is our mentor, our link to the executive team and the person with the ability and drive to bring our ideas and plans to fruition. Mr Neville has been involved in the C.A.T since its inception and will be greatly missed. We will carry on regardless and hope to continue the legacy he helped create. 


On behalf of the C.A.T, I wish them all the very best as they start this next part of their life journey. 


Finally, I would like to thank our year 10 C.A.T leaders of 2020. They have been an amazing group of young people to work with; many have been active members over the last four years. As they transition to senior years they will have the opportunity to focus on mental health and wellbeing initiatives within the school.


I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that 2021 is a year filled with sunshine, love, happiness and laughter.

Stay safe and enjoy the well-deserved break.

Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)