Deputy Principal / 

Religious Education News 



Deputy Principal News:

A BIG BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Bunnings BBQ on Saturday 5th December. 

A special thank you to all who sourced items for us: Elissa Keogh, Jodie Foster, Desi Hayley, Denise Esposito, Rose Lee Lucchesi and Maria Rontani. 

And a special thank you to our BBQ Captains: Glen Lyons and Mark Hayley.

Finally a special thank you to the following volunteers on the day:

Marty, Liz, Dani, Stuart, Claudia, Avril, Hana, Jodie, Christine, Anthony, Damira, Alvin, Marie, Heide and Chandra.

We raised $1100 which will be invaluable for our school and students.










St Vincent De Paul Society Fundraiser. 

A big thank you to Denise for making our Christmas Masks. Some are still available to purchase after school and cost $10:00. So far we have raised over $400 for Preston St. Vincent de Paul.