
Bucket Filling 


Being kind to others, ourselves and our environment is very important to us at St Anne's. Over the next couple of weeks we are using the 'Bucket Filling' concept to reflect on how we can be kind in our school. All classes will be reading the book 'Have you filled a bucket today?' by Carol McCloud this week. You are able to find this story on You Tube and it would be wonderful if you could read with with your families so that you can use this language in your home. 


The  story talks about everyone carrying around an invisible bucket. When people are kind to us with their words and actions our bucket is filled. When people are unkind to us or hurt us, this dips in our bucket. Children will also explore the idea that by filling someone else's bucket, we also fill our own bucket, because being kind and helping others makes us happy too.  


On February 14th we will be celebrating Valenkind's Day. On this day we will try to be especially kind to each other. Each child will contribute to a whole school display of how we can fill each other's buckets. I will put a photo in the newsletter next week. 


Below is a tips sheet of how you can promote being a bucket filler in your family.