
From Stephen Fraser,  Deputy Secretary, School Education Programs and Support.



What to do if there is a positive case in your classroom -  COVID-19

A message will appear on Compass with the below details.

  • Impacted class: 
  • Last Date onsite at CJC: 
  • Date positive case reported: 


  • If your child is not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, they can continue to attend school, but you should monitor for symptoms.
  • Students who show symptoms of COVID-19 cannot attend school and should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result.
  • Students should continue with twice-a-week rapid antigen testing on school days. 

For information on symptoms visit: more information on how to get tested visit:


If your child returns a positive result, your child has COVID-19.

  • You must quarantine your child for seven days
  • You must advise the school about the positive result
    • School Office Hours -
    • After Hours - via phone 0437 536 883.
  • Your child must stay home until their symptoms have resolved and they are well
  • Everyone in your household is a close contact and must isolate for 7 days. 

Reporting your child’s positive test  If your child was at school when they were infectious you need to report the positive case through the Student COVID-19 Test Portal or you can notify the school in writing or by phone. You must also report your child’s positive test to the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398. Further information for languages other than English

 Advice and further resources about what to do if you test positive to COVID-19, or you have been told you are a contact, are at: Your COVID Checklist | Coronavirus Victoria, or call the 24/7 Coronavirus hotline on: 1800 675 398



Covid Symptoms.

The symptoms to watch out for are:


Fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath,  runny nose, loss or change in sense of smell or taste

Some people may also experience headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
