Principal's Notes

Week 2

Dear families, 


Another week has gone by and we are now settling into the routine of school again. All students have settled in to their class routines and the students have demonstrated a positive attitude in their learning and towards each other. The playground is a happy and busy place. 


Our current focus is organisation and how we can be ready to learn each day. Talia and Lexi at assemblies have been reminding our students of the different ways we can do this. This is a really great focus to reinforce at home as well by encouraging your child/children to pack their own bags, put lunchboxes and drink bottles in and have reading bags/diaries ready to take to school. 


Last week, all class teachers sent home information handouts and invitations to our online communication app Seesaw. Please join your child's Seesaw account so you are able to see their everyday learning at school. If you have any issues logging in please contact your child's teacher. 


Athletics and Picnic Sports 

We have received notification of the SGSSA Athletics Carnival to held be Pedrina Park dates. They will be held on Tuesday 29th March and the back up day for wet weather is Tuesday 5th April. Students attending will be only the Year 3-6s, any students that are turning eight this year will be competing the 9 years old age group. The event is run in the age groups that are eligible to go to the regionals that are held in Warrnambool later in the year.  Our students will be beginning practising for their events in their sports sessions with their teachers. 


Our Picnic sports are being held on Friday 4th March on our school oval. This day is when all students participate in fun and running events in both individual and house team events. We love having our Kinder children participate and families attend too. All students participating receive points and the house with the most points at the end of the day will be awarded the winning trophy. Further details and the program will be sent home closer to the event. I will even be starting to practise for the adults gumboot toss soon!



Thank you to all families for contacting the school when your child/children is absent either by a note, personal contact or a phone message on the school phone - 5574 2282. Please leave a message on the answering machine if phone is not answered, as staff will be teaching in their classes. We appreciate the early contact on or prior to the absence from families as we then have to contact families of absent students if we don't receive any notification. 


School Council

All Schools in Victoria will be completing the School Council election process for School Council membership between now and the end of Term One.  School Council representatives serve a two year term and are required to complete a nomination form. Election forms will be available from Monday 14th of February at the office. The election period will then will close on the Monday March 7th. A letter will be sent home with students today with further information. 


Our School Council is an important group which sets future directions for our school and provides a forum for parents and staff to contribute to policy and planning. All parents and staff are eligible to participate by seeking election or exercising a vote. If you are interested in serving on School Council or would like more information about what the role involves, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Our next School Council meeting will be on Wednesday 16th February at 7pm via WebEx. Councillors will receive their invitation via email early next week. Our Annual General and Elections meeting will be on Wednesday March 16th at 7pm at the school. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Lisa Ferrier