Deputy Principal's News

Dear Families,


This week has seen our year 3 and 5 students sit 4 NAPLAN assessments.  It is a timely reminder that NAPLAN is a snapshot of student and school performance. Kate Korber, one of our parents shared this letter with me.  Please read this to your child/ren and remind them just how special they are.


To our Dearest Students in Year 3 & 5,


This week you sat your NAPLAN tests. There’s something very important

we need you to know: NAPLAN does not assess all of  what makes each of you exceptional and unique.


The people who score these tests don’t know that some of you love to

sing, are good at drawing, play soccer, football or can teach someone

how to use a computer program. They have not seen the way some of

you dance with grace or speak confidently to a large group. They do not

know that your friends count on you to be there for them when they are

sad. They do not know that you participate in sports, help your mum

and dad, or that you play with your little brothers, sisters and cousins.

They do not know that you are caring, thoughtful and that everyday,

you do your best. Because these attributes cannot be tested.


The scores that you get from this test will tell you how you did on the

day, but they will not tell you everything. They can’t tell you that you

have improved on something that you once found difficult. They can’t

tell you that you brighten up your teacher's day. They can’t tell you how

amazingly special you are.


Remember there is no way

to ‘test’ all of the wonderful things that make you, ‘YOU.’


Planks Incursion  (Whole School)

On Tuesday 28th May he students will all be involved in ‘Planks’ workshops here at school.  Planks are unique building blocks made from natural materials and identical in shape and size.  They are used to build structures which are held together by gravity and balance. Planks promote play-based learning.  Our workshops will be designed to support our Maths and STEM curriculum.

Further details including a timetable for the day will be shared next week.

If you would like to find out more about ‘Planks’, please visit:


Winter Uniforms

With the colder weather here, a timely reminder that students should now be wearing their full school winter uniforms.  Please ensure that school uniforms are clearly labelled in the event that your child misplaces an item.

Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Twitter and Instagram Feeds.  Our Facebook Page is coming soon.

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186


School Athletics

Congratulations and thank you to all staff, students and parents.  The invaluable support you offered yesterday ensured the smooth running of the day.   Special mention and credit goes to Mrs Georgia McNamara and Mrs Chris Kidman in their thorough planning and preparation of the students.  The day was a resounding success.  Congratulations once again to all involved.

PREP 2020


(New Families)

Cheese and Wine Night -  Thursday 23rd May, 2019 at 7.00pm

Here at St James we are thrilled with the way our new contemporary learning space is taking shape.  Our builders have been working tirelessly and have now handed over another two newly renovated classrooms.  If you are considering enrolment to St James Prep - 6, we invite you to join us for an Cheese and Wine Night to view our newly renovated contemporary learning space.  For catering purposes please RSVP to


Current St James parents, we invite you to spread the word and invite friends who may be considering enrolment.  If you are able to assist with promoting the event, please collect a flyer from the front office.  

Thank you!

Carmelina Corio

(Deputy Principal)