Welcome back and some new faces!

Wow, we’ve finally made it and we can’t believe it! We are in term four! We hope that all families have had a safe a restful break and are refreshed for a new term of learning and adventure. We’d like to introduce a new member to the St James OSHClub team, Lachie! Lachie is studying a Bachelor of Education (Primary) at Australian Catholic University and is looking forward to getting to know the St James community as the term progresses. 

What we’ve been up to at OSHC!

In the last week of term three, the children learnt all about animal pet care! Built upon Emily in Grade Two’s learning goals relating to animal habitats, the children had the opportunity to learn more about how animals live and responsible pet ownership. We had a special visit from Sue at Doggies Day Out, who brought in the adorable Cavoodle dog Meg! Sue taught the children about how to appropriately brush, walk and care for a dog. The children absolutely loved this opportunity and they can’t wait to see Meg again next year! 

We also had Sandy come to visit us this week from the St Stephen’s Community Gardens! She brought over some different foods from the gardens to explore their senses, helped us to plant our pumpkin seedlings and gave our worm farm a little check up! We can’t wait to share with you how are pumpkins are growing over this term!


Coming up at OSHClub!

Our theme for this term is ‘Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds’. We will be learning all about how to care for our bodies and keep our minds healthy! Each week we will have a ‘Kidz on Wheels’ session, where your child may bring in their scooter or bike (with helmet). Please feel free to get involved if you wish! Check out some of the awesome activities we have planned for next week.

We look forward to making new friends and learning new things through play and social experiences. As always there will also be a quiet time for homework, relaxation and reading.

Homework Club 

Mornings: 7.00am-8.15am

Afternoons: 3.45pm-4.30pm and 5.00pm-5.30pm


Below are some of our menu specials for this week at OSHC!

A platter of fresh fruit and vegetables are always served with our menu specials.

Do you have any recycled materials we could use at OSHClub?

As part of our initiative to embed more sustainable practices within our program, we would love it if you could bring any recyclable materials that the children could repurpose into some awesome craft inventions! Things like toilet rolls, jars, boxes or even newspaper would be fantastic! Take a look at what we’ve been creating already!

Survey Time!

As part of our commitment to providing high quality care for children and families at our service, each fortnight we are seeking your feedback on our performance as aligned with the National Quality Standard. 


This week we are seeking your feedback on Quality Area 3: Physical Environment. If you have any spare time, we would greatly appreciate it if you could complete our survey monkey this week! This information will be used in our Quality Improvement Plan, a document that helps providers self-assess their performance in delivering quality education and care as well as to plan future improvements.


Here’s the link to our survey monkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VQ93XNQ 

OSHClub Class Dojo

If you have a child who attends OSHClub, please take a moment to sign up to our Class Dojo. Through the application parents can view how their child is behaving and also peep a view at the fun things we get up to!

Meet the Team

We’re here to make OSHC the best experience possible. If you have any questions about the program or just want to have a chat, feel free to drop by, meet the team and see what happens first hand in the program. 

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!


From the Team at OSHClub: Laura and Lachie ☺