Cranbourne Campus News

Graduating Class of 2020

In the week just gone we said a formal goodbye to our graduating class of 2020. 


On Tuesday the graduating class dressed up in a summer time theme for their traditional Year 12 morning tea with staff. Speeches from Mr Black and our College Captain’s Talia and Brendon started the formalities before each person devoured an individually wrapped College cup cake and sat down to view the Year 12 video that had been produced under the watchful eye of directors Ruby Smith and Joey Kariman.

Yr 12 Graduation 2020
Yr 12 Graduation 2020

Wednesday, graduation day, came around all too quickly for the Class of 2020. During Period 2 House assemblies the graduating class said their final good byes to their tutor groups and their Houses. Each student was presented with a commemorative graduating sash from the College while each group of Year 12’s offered back to their House Leaders a House flag with each of their names printed on it. This flag would join the other such graduation flags that are hung proudly around the House area remembering the students of each graduating class.  By the time period three had come around there was a nervous buzz around the Year 12 students. With blossoming flowers, House flags and helium balloons in St. Peter's College colours and in House bunches, the Hall was transformed into a place of ceremony and celebration, albeit with chairs sparsely spread at 1.5 meter spacing, as has become the norm in this topsy turvy year. 

As has happened each year for about the last twenty, Mr Carter created the mood for the graduation procession with his skilful twinkling of the ivories. At the top of the procession, each student was given a College mortarboard to compliment their graduation sash as they prepared to process in to what would be their final roll call for school.  The sense of occasion, of ceremony and or formality made for a lovely ambience that honoured the enormity of this juncture in the journey that each of our graduating class is on. For a graduating class in 2020 we would forgive them if there had been an air of loss and an attitude of 'whoa is me' for all that they have missed this year. However, watching each of the graduating class of 2020 process down the aisle of the College Hall, the sense of loss was replaced with a sense of triumph and joy. 

The Class of 2020, as they were told during the assembly and many times before, will be remembered as a group of young people who displayed great resilience, and who led the student community of St. Peter's College during a time of great challenge and unexpected obstacles. And they did so defiantly, and with great aplomb, not allowing a pandemic to spoil their experience. 


Class of 2020... your teachers, your fellow students and your families are proud of who you have become. You finished your year with heads held high and a level of class, reverence and respect that was a lesson to all. The experiences that you have been through this year and the way you have adapted to handle the shifting ground upon which you have been thrust, is inspiring and there is little doubt that it has prepared you for all the dips and tricks that life will throw to you, now that you have left the gates of St. Peter's College.


Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus