Class of 2020

Boom and they were gone!

What a year it has been! And what a celebration we had to say goodbye to our Year 12’s on Friday, 6 November. There were streamers, silly string, party poppers and much more to celebrate an amazing achievement. 


First up, we would like to give a massive shout out to Mr Beliniak for his planning, coordination, and management on the day. Many hours went into the organisation and planning of this event but was worth every minute. Thank you to all the staff who supported Mr Beliniak and helped to supervise our Year 12 students during the assembly. Especially to the staff who assisted in the clean-up operation. 


The day was also an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic work our Y12 teachers have done this year, we salute you! Of course, the success of a Year 12 cohort is not made in one year and we would like to thank all the teachers and ES staff who have supported our Class of 2020 over the past 6 years. We all played a part in their achievements. 


Good luck to our Year 12 cohort. We know they will do well.