Senior School Library Captain 2021
Senior School Library Captain 2021
Congratulations to all newly appointed leaders for 2021 especially Lacey Herbertson who will be our Library (Information Services) Captain! Lacey has outlined several wonderful concepts which she will work with me to put in place for the benefit of all users. Our Library in 2020 has been unlike in any previous year and while the measures we have in place have allowed ongoing lending via click and collect, it is not the same as the type of collaborative contact we have been able to offer in the past.
2021 in your Senior School Library is looking good!
Library lessons
It has been wonderful to be able to invite students back into the physical library space at both Senior and Junior School. While click and collect allowed us to keep lending during lockdown (unlike most schools) there is nothing better than browsing shelves and selecting titles. This all needs to be done under COVID precautions at this stage and the response has been respectful from the year levels we have dealt with to date.
Both Libraries are looking good, with the shelves all filled with books ready to go. During the remote learning period Miss Welst has sorted, tidied and taken a full stock take across the school. If our catalogue says a book is on the Library shelf, then it is where we expect it to be. For much of the year we have been lending but returning of books has not been typical. We are now requesting that any library books that have been at home since Term 1 are returned as soon as possible.
Best wishes for a good week, especially for the events that occur for the last time for our Year 12 cohort.
Margaret Simkin
Head of Library