Weekly Wellbeing 

Self- Care

Staff and Parents, 

We are urging you to take some time to practise self-care and self-compassion. There is residual stress coming out of remote learning and lockdown and now the business of Term 4 and Christmas approaching … this can be a big transition and energy shift, which can bring mixed emotions.  Parents and staff are very good at getting support for their kids, but often neglect themselves.  As the saying goes…’You can’t pour from an empty cup’.  Below is a picture of a cup that you can print off and write in there the things you are going to do for yourself to fill up your cup J.   Some ideas:  plant a herb garden;  have a big sleep in;  watch a sunrise;  read funny jokes.

Self Compassion

"Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would for others"  – Christopher Germer

Kindness is contagious, so when you give it to yourself it’s easier then to give to others and the reciprocal dance begins!


'The Sunflower effect’ is one way to practise some self-compassion.  It is Maroondah Council’s campaign to spread hope and brightness into Maroondah’s streets by planting sunflowers - see flyer below

Julie & Mia  -  Student Wellbeing Team