Teaching & Learning 

Book lists for 2021

Earlier this year a committee was formed to review the process for ordering and supplying book lists to families at the start of each school year. As part of the review, a survey was circulated to the parent community to gather feedback on a number of areas including:

  1. Communication of the booklist process
  2. The ordering process
  3. Quality of materials included on the booklist
  4. Value for money
  5. Delivery and pick up arrangements
  6. Quantity of materials

 The survey was sent out to all families and 88 responses were received from across both campuses.


A summary of the main points from the survey were:

  • 49% of parent responses indicated they would like to see less consumables on the list.
  • 77% indicated that the current arrangements for picking up the book lists were convenient.
  • 12% wanted to have a format where parents only ordered what they required.
  • 86% indicated that items on the booklist were of a high quality.
  • 37% agreed that the booklist was value for money.
  • 90% said ordering process was fine and easy to understand.
  • Nearly 70% said the number of items on the list were adequate to get students through the year.
  • Considerable concern was expressed in comments regarding the desire to use leftover resources as part of book packs.

 Based on the findings from the survey, the committee made the following recommendations which were based on:

  • Parents being very happy with the communication and organisation for picking up book packs.
  • Considerable concern regarding our sustainability practices when it comes to the amount ordered and then left over at the end of the year.
  • Families having excess resources (scissors, rulers, sharpeners) at home but not being able to use them as part of the book pack.
  • The desire to have a consistent school wide practice for distributing resources to students and returning excess items at the end of year.

 The review committee recommended the following arrangements for the 2021 year with a further review in 3 years time.


1.     The booklist is broken into 3 parts; Essentials, Strategic Essentials and Supply from Home.


Essentials: Items deemed to be required each year due to wear and tear. 

Items on the booklist to include:

·      Exercise books

·      Document wallets

·      Plastic pocket folders

·      Basic stationary (bare minimum) – pens, pencils, glue sticks, eraser,       Textas/crayons/coloured pencils.


Strategic Essentials: Items that should last longer than a year if looked after. These items are to be added to book lists in years Prep, Year 2 and Year 4. (where deemed necessary)

·      Scissors

·      Ruler

·      Sharpener


Supply from home: Items that parents will have excess of at home or can readily purchase according to need or personal choice.

·      Pencil case (Where deemed necessary)

·      Headphones (Headphones will only be on Prep booklist)

In non strategic years:

·      Scissors

·      Ruler

·      Sharpener


2.     There are some items on the current booklists that require a different approach due to the nature in which they are used at school and their availability for parents.

·      Calculators: Suggestion that iPads replace the need for parents to purchase calculators. School sets will be available for use when needed. These have been removed from booklists.

·      Mini-whiteboards: Suggestion that we move toward class sets which are maintained by classroom teacher rather than them being on the booklist and being passed on from year to year. These have been removed from booklists.

·      Headphones: Headphones come in many shapes and sizes with many students having their own preferred/necessary style. Although these will be on the Prep booklists, they will be removed from all other year levels, but students will be required to supply a pair for use in the classroom. 


3.     As the amount of stationary is reduced on each booklist, parents will be required to replace broken or lost items throughout the year. Previously, the book lists have been created based on worst case scenarios which has resulted in excess stationary being left over for most students at the end of each year. This model is a more sustainable approach meaning only those who lose or break their resources will be required to replace them throughout the year. Communication will be made to parents should their child’s supply of stationary dwindle throughout the year. Parents can choose to purchase extra items (when required) from a stationary shop, which will be created at the front office, or choose to replace from leftovers they have in store at home.


4.     A sustainability shop will also be operated out of the front office. At the end of each year, parents have the option to donate excess stationary to our sustainability shop. These items will then be used to distribute at low cost/ no cost to students who require some additional assistance throughout the year. 


5.     A consistent distribution, replacement and return process is developed and communicated to all staff and families. At the beginning of the school year, a clear process will be communicated to all families to indicate how parents will be informed should their child require extra stationary throughout the year. 


We thank the committee members for their extra time and efforts in gathering feedback and formulating these recommendations. Over the coming weeks, your fees and booklist information for 2021 will be distributed.


Should you require any more clarification regarding any of the organisation mentioned above, please don't hesitate to contact David Young at school.