Year 5


Students have spent the last week consolidating their knowledge of the structure, roles and responsibilities of government systems. They are demonstrating their knowledge of this unit through an open ended task, creating of a country of their own with a multi-level government structure, including political parties, voting processes and laws. Students were encouraged to add their own creative streaks through the design of a national flag and anthem uniting their citizens and creating a sense of identity. 


The students have approached this activity with enthusiasm and zest, with a wealth of existing knowledge about government systems learnt through personal experiences during the recent state lockdown. 


We look forward to sharing our presentations as a class towards the end of the week, celebrating our learning. It’s great to see students cooperating and communicating well together in their small groups. 


MAT Program

The Year 5 students commenced ‘The MAT Life Skills Program’ last week. This is an active modality, combining the principles of physical and mental wellbeing with those of therapeutic martial art training techniques. Its format engages and empowers young people to learn life skills and to better manage the challenges in their lives. There was a positive response to their first online session which will continue for the next 3 weeks.