Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator


The Conference 3 Soccer trial was held on Tuesday 21st February at Kareela Sporting Complex. Eight boys and girls from Year 5 and 6 competed against other talented Soccer players in our Conference. Congratulations to Edward F, Rory P, Oscar I and Chelsea G who will have been selected to compete at the Sydney Soccer Trial next week. Good luck from everyone at OLF! 



On Friday, Nicholas W and Charlie F competed in Wollongong at the Sydney Basketball trials. The boys played five full games against other schools in the NSW region. Both Nicholas and Charlie were successful in making the MacKillop Basketball team. A fantastic achievement from the Year 6 boys. We wish them all the best at the next level of competition. 


Sienna L, Felicity B and Emily U competed at the Conference 3 Netball Trial at Menai on Monday 27th February. Emily U, from Year 5, was the only OLF representative to be selected at this trial. Emily competed to her best at the Sydney Trial against the older students, however, did not progress to the next level. Well done to all the girls for their efforts. We are very proud!

Rugby League 

Five OLF Rugby League players competed at the Sydney Rugby League Trial held at Blakehurst. The boys had a very successful campaign against great opponents in the Sydney area. Congratulations to Mac M and Zac B who were selected in the U11 age division and Oscar A and Marley W who were chosen in the 12’s. We can’t wait to see how you go at the next level. Good luck boys!

OLF Cross Country Trial

The OLF Cross Country Trial is being held on Wednesday 26th April (Week 1, Term 2). This event is not compulsory and is for students in Years 2-6. Please fill in the following registration form if your child wishes to attend the trial. Nominations close Friday 31st March. Click on this link  to register:






Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator