Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

What is Lent ?

As we continue our journey through this Liturgical Season of Lent, it is timely to ask ourselves once again ….  How are we refocusing our minds and hearts on how we live out our faith on a daily basis? What are we doing during this time to deepen our relationship with our God? 

If you haven’t had a chance yet…a reminder…here is a great little youtube explanation of Lent: Lent in 3 minutes

A reminder …The Staff of OLF

Each Tuesday morning at 8.30am the staff at OLF have been invited to a Prayer reflection focussing on the readings for the Lenten season. This will be taking place in the Library. So… your child’s teacher may be unavailable from 8.30 -8.45 on these days.

Grade Masses

Last week Year 5 celebrated Mass with the Parish at the 9.15 am Parish Mass. Fr Anderson commented on how well the Year 5 students proclaimed the readings and the Prayers of the faithful, in such a confident manner. Well done to those students who read at Mass last Friday!


This Friday Year 4 will attend the 9.15 am Parish Mass and in Week 7 Year 3 will be attending.  You are all most welcome to attend these Parish Masses!


After each of these Masses, Fr Julian has asked that the students remain in the Church for a short Q&A time! During this time the students have a chance to ask Fr Julian questions about anything to do with our Catholic faith or… even about his life as a Parish Priest.


Last week the Year 5 students had some very interesting questions to ask Father Julian like …. What is your favourite Bible reading?   What made you want to become a priest? Do you have a favourite Liturgical season? 


Some challenging questions were put to Father but he answered them brilliantly! 

Prayer spaces 

You may have noticed when you met your child’s teacher during Meet and Greet Interview time, that each classroom has a prayer space set up within the classroom. This space serves as a sacred space where the class can come together to grow closer to God, the Church, and one another.


Throughout our school, there are many beautiful Prayer spaces that can be seen in classrooms. Here are just a few of them….

You might even like to set up your own prayer space at home! Ask your child/ren to help you! You’ll be amazed at their understanding of the importance of coming together to pray!



The following DID YOU KNOW? points are from the Year 4 ‘To Know, Worship and Love’ book (KWL)

I wonder…. How many of these are we aware of?  So … did you know…… 

  • That during lent we do not pray the Gloria at Mass or say ‘Alleluia’.
  • That the name given to the three days from Holy Thursday to the Easter vigil is called the Easter Triduum.
  • Good Friday is the only day of the year when Mass is NOT celebrated
  • The celebration of Easter Sunday ends with evening prayer or Vespers. 

Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!




Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator