The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
The Adventures of Frankie & Ash
School Support Dogs
*Trigger warning: medical procedure discussed
So me (Frankie) and Ash are soooooo excited we are nearly wagging our tails off. The new Wellbeing Hub is opening and we are stars!!! On Mondays and Thursdays students can pop into the Hub for "Pats & Chats" with .... US!!!! We love pats. We don't mind the chats either, although we would prefer treats. Mum is mean and says we can't have Pats & Treats because we will get Chunky.
I went back to Doggy Day Care on Tuesday and Ash went to school without me but I didn't care because I LOVE Doggy Day Care and playing with all my friends. I got lots and lots and lots of love because I had been away for three weeks due to my ouchie on my paw.
The ouchie is all better now though, and I am allowed to do all the things I love like run and chase the ball and go swimming. This is good because Ash and me have our own swimming pool at home and we LOVE cooling off in it.
Mum calls me Frankie Three -Toes and says it's my Mafia Boss name. I don't miss my toe at all. When I was poorly I learnt that I get lots of pats and cuddles and I am allowed on the bed if I cry, so I have been trying to get Bed Time with Mum and Dad this week. However I did NOT get Bed Time and I got put in the Living Room for waking them up. Ash is mad because she wasn't crying and she got put in the Living Room too.
Anyway we are back to normal now. We even did some gardening yesterday. We hope to see you at the opening of the Wellbeing Hub for a pat or a cuddle!
That is all.
Frankie & Ash
*Update: Thank you all for your emails and messages wishing Frankie well. She turned out to be a bit of a medical mystery for the vet! It transpires she had an inverted wart on her toe - calciferous tissue was growing upwards inside her paw and was causing her the incredible pain. It is a rare condition and is benign, but removal of the toe was the only way to relieve the condition. The vet is confident that there will not be a reoccurrence in another digit. So good news all round!