Year 1: Pop zart Self Portraits 

Inspired by Andy Warhol’s colourful pop art prints (such as Marilyn Monroe) Year 1 students created these fun self portraits. After trying to draw themselves with their eyes closed (!) as a warm up, they used mirrors to try and achieve realistic facial details. They tried out great trick to trace a picture when you don’t have tracing paper. Here are the steps :

  1. Draw or Print image. The drew a self portrait on a small piece of paper.
  2. Cover. Turning the picture over, they coloured the back of the paper with a grey lead. This doesn’t have to be perfect colouring but it can’t be too light.
  3. Secure. Turning the image back up, they placed the picture on the drawing surface (art paper) and secured it with masking tape so it didn’t move. So now the shaded side was  facing down.
  4. Trace. Following the printed image, they traced the outlines.

This enabled them to repeat the image of themselves four times. They added colour using oil pastels and watercolour paints.