Performing Arts

Performing Arts News

We have been learning how to express different EMOTIONS in Drama...


Emotions are the driving force of the process of character creation. On stage or on screen, actors express emotion to build  a character and tell a story. 


Emotion based Drama sessions also create opportunities for children to practise their emotional experiences. They learn to try something out in a safe environment and learn that it's normal to feel and express a range of emotions.


Have a try at home...How do you use your face, voice and body to express different emotions?



Here are some students from 1/2C doing a wonderful job of rehearsing expression


Performers of the Week

Each week one student is selected from each level as the Performer of the Week


These students are selected for a variety of reasons, including participating in Performing Arts lessons with a positive attitude, putting in 100% effort, taking chances, or showing skill/improvement in areas of Performing Arts.


Congratulations to the first Performers of the Week for 2023!


Week 1: 

Athena Skliros PT

Eva Centrella 1/2B

Gemma Buyck 3/4L

Noah Nanayakkara 5/6J


Week 2:

Felix Davis PO

Joshua Woodhams 1/2C

Sam Henriquez 3/4L

Thomas Critchley 5/6M


Week 3:

Luna Ryan PW

Oscar D'Alberto 1/2D

Maya Sontag 3/4C

Jethro Warner 5/6H