Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,


It has been a welcome relief to be able to open the doors once again to allow our Open Days to occur. The first of these kicked off on Monday with the 1/2 teachers playing host. The numbers would suggest it was a great success with our students being able to show off their class. The recent Parent/Teacher interviews also allowed families the opportunity to meet with staff, with the students at the heart of the conversations.  The upcoming Dad's Night and the Twilight Cinema will also allow us the chance to bring our community together. Certainly a far cry from previous years! It is rewarding to add reason as to why we are a 'community' school.


Our other reason for being, so to speak, at our school is obviously religious. This Wednesday marked the start of Lent. It is commonly referred to as Ash Wednesday. The Lenten period runs for forty days and culminates in the celebration of Easter when we as Catholics acknowledge to Resurrection of Jesus. During the period of Lent we are asked to do three things, to go without, donate to suitable causes and  pray. Traditionally, these were known as fasting, almsgiving and praying. During the period leading up to Easter it would be a great help to discuss these things with your child as we will be at school as well.


Have a good fortnight,
